Managing Cashflow

Managing Cashflow

Effective management of cashflow is crucial to the health of your business, to enable growth and cover operational costs.  We offer both business cash advances through a partnership with market leader Youlend and pay-by-link to enable electronic invoicing.

Business Cash Advance

The flexible alternative to a traditional bank loan

Thinking about expanding your business or need additional working capital to re-stock or cover unforeseen costs?  A business cash advance is a business finance solution that allows business owners to quickly raise £1,000 to £1 million.

Average funding is approximately around your average monthly card turnover.  And there are no surprises as the cost of the one off fee for the cash advance is known from the start.

A business cash advance is different to a traditional bank loan.  Instead of fixed monthly payments the loan is repaid by taking a fixed percentage from future card payments.  This means that your repayments are aligned with the performance of your business.

The maximum repayment period available is one year, typically to be repaid within 6-9 months.

It's a fast and flexible way to unlock cashflow for your business.  Once approved, you will get your business cash advance typically within 48 hours.  And with YouLend renewals are even faster....

Still unsure?  Then check out their 4.8 rating on Trustpilot here

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Help getting your invoices paid

Having trouble getting paid or not getting paid on time?  If so, it's time to consider a pay-by-link solution.

A pay-by-link payment link can be embedded in an electronic invoice which makes it easy for the payment to be made.  Alternatively the payment link can sent out via a text message or as a QR code.

And you have the choice on the type of payment link which is right for your business.  The payment request can either be for a card payment or perhaps even better using open banking which means you get your funds as soon as the payment is made - all for the lowest possible cost.

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